Monday, July 19, 2010

The Script of Privateers and Patriots

Since we are no longer able to perform Privateers and Patriots, I have decided to post the Script. I dedicated about a year to this script and I think it turned out nicley. You will find the sequal to this story being posted by 'The Phantom' (the Captain Sponsler mentioned in the script). The story ias based in the beginning and end of the War of 1812 revolving around a fictional plot made by President Jefferson and the main characters are myself as Captain Dameon, my brothers as captains David Anthony and Gabriel. Here is Scene 1 as well as the prologue and the main characters:

Main Characters:

Captain Dameon John Mellino: a tall strong man with a thick Scottish accent and a black mustache and gotie and black pony tail who knows how to use all weapons, especially the pistol and sword, better than most men would like. He dresses Old fashion way with an old coat, white shirt, beige vest, and wears a kilt with the tartan of the Armstrong clan sometimes or breeches at other times. He wears either boots or argyles and usually wears either a cocked hat or a bicorn hat.

Lieutenant or Captain David Gabriel Mellino: A average-height strongly built man with the beginnings of a beard and blonde short hair. He used to be with the Continental riflemen so he carries a tomahawk, knife, and pistol. He dresses plainly with a white shirt and sailor’s coat, tall boots, a sailors cap and a tri-corn hat.

Gunnery Captain or Captain Anthony Michael Mellino: A tall average strength man with sideburns and dark brown short hair, who is a fencing master, dresses very up-to-date with very fancy waist coat, dress shirt, lace cravat, white vest, top hat with scarlet feather on the side, and white long pants.

Captain Gabriel Mellino: A short, stocky man with beard that has no sideburns and brown ponytail. He usually uses a pepperpot and a sword. He dresses strangely with a white shirt, blue and black striped vest, blue colonial coat, stockings and white breeches, and a tri corn hat.

Captain Joseph Sponseler: A tall well built man, a fencing master, a crack shot, a fast loader, a knife fighter, a tomahawk master, and grenade maker with flowing black hair to his shoulders, no facial hair, a tri corn hat, black boots, breeches, white shirt, and black coat.



ameon: Let me see it was... I can’t even remember the date. Ah yes... it was 1812. (A Pen writes the date and then a man is seen writing on a desk) We had won the war and had our own president. But the pride of Great Britain was unwisely doubted...

Scene One
The Decisions of War
Jefferson is sitting in a room.

John Paul Jones walks in.

Jones: I have news from Sponsler.


Time goes back.

Captain Sponseler, a average tall spy for the Americans in the War of 1812 is sitting in his seat.

He looks at his watch.

Chairperson: Honorable delegates, the decision is war. Our plan is to strike them (Sponseler looks his watch and it reads 3:31) here in the north and here in the south.

He looks at it again.

It reads 3:32.

He stands casually and walks towards the door realizing he is missing his apointment.

Admiral Harrington: Admiral Sponseler.

He stops and looks back at Howe.

Harrington: Where are you going? [this is a top secret meeting]

Sponseler looks at his seat and notices his sword was left next to his chair. He then looks above this and sees the guard standing outside the window.

Sponseler: I- I have a tea party with the king.

He jumps out the window.

He lands on the shoulders of the guard. He grabs the guard’s sword and pistol and hits the man over the head with the pommel of the sword.

The man falls unconscious.

Sponseler grabs a side pack from a horse, which he thinks is ammunition.

The guards go after him.

Sponseler looks back and sees the delegates catching up. He throws off his coat. He hides behind a building, fires off the pistol, and then stabs another. He reaches his hand into the pack to reload but notices that it is all papers. He prepares to throw it off but stops when he sees the name, Admiral Richard Harrington. He puts it on himself and smiles.

Sponseler jumps onto a ship.

Sponseler: Alright boys let’s get out o’ here!


Time returns.

Jefferson: (Facing away from Jones) Then Britain has also declared war as Spain secretly has.

Jones: If they attack soon, we will be utterly defeated.

Jefferson: (Points at Jones) There are still British soldiers who England has not yet pulled out of America anyway. The British may also use that to their advantage. We have no hope then?

Jones: There are yet two.

Jefferson: Yes?

Jones: One, make it seem less then it really is so as not to worry the people of America and to keep them out of panic and chaos. For the British can use even panic to their advantage.

Jefferson: And the other?

Jones: Privateers.

Washington: What?

Jones: I have three privateers under my command and Admiral Wilkinson has two other captains, which are not privateers.

Washington: Their names.

Jones: Captain Dameon Mellino, Captain Gabriel Francis Mellino, and Captain Sponseler.

Washington: Three men?

Jones: Aye. It might work.

Washington: How will this be solved?

Jones: Send them out in separate places of the ocean and take as many ships as possible. Then our navy will grow.

Washington: And the crews decrease.

Jones: When they finish taking the ship they may sail to America and pick up their crew.

Washington: Ah, win the war by deceit and strength.

Jones: Aye, sir.

Washington: Begin right away. (Jones begins to leave) Oh, and Admiral,

Jones: Yes?

Washington: Remember, this is no war. If war is declared, we will be at a loss.


  1. Told you I would comment. The Phantom writes JT's Tales. How come you didn't explain that Washington was also in the room? That was confusing.
