Saturday, August 14, 2010

Day 2

We have completed the last fight scene of the movie! It was not what I imagined simply because I am not a professional Screen play director and we wern't able to choriograph the fights properly. But it turned out to be good enough. The last fight is when Godfrey de Aurnaud digs up the grail (his father burried it) and it is almost stolen by the bad guy, Sir Baldwin of the Masonic Knights. Godfrey says to him, "You'll not touch it!" and they get into a sword fight in which Godfrey throws Baldwin to the ground and Baldwin calls a hidden archer who hands the bow to Baldwin. Baldwin then says he can't kill Godfrey because he gave him his life in the recent battle (which we filmed a few days ago). They then make terms that Sir Baldwin will never attack the church again.

The filmer

The Holy Grail

Roll 'em!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

First scene filmed of the new story of the Crusader's Tale!

Yes! Four days ago we filmed the very first scene of the new story of the Crusader's Tale! And we even flew in an actor to play the part of Sir Baldwin! (sort of) And then yesterday and today we completed the big fight! Godfrey and Macar de Aurnaud vs. Baldwin and his three minions of the somewhat dishonorable order of the Masons! It was done well enough to be called, Well done indeed!
And tommorow we shall finish Baldwin's parts with the fight between Godfrey and the said Masonic Knight. And during the fall, I and the cast shall do our greatest endevour to finish TCT (The Crusader's Tale) and edit it during the winter, and it shall come out next fall at the latest (in case the filming is not completed during the fall this year. Roll 'em!


Friday, August 6, 2010

The Ibelin sword

Yes! I have done it. I have made the sword which has been my favorite for some time. Namley, the sword of Ibelin, and for a good freind of mine, I have made a sword named, "The Phantom".

A new poster with the swords

Close up of the crosses on the crosspiece of The Phantom

The hilt of the Phantom

The Phantom from the blade up

The pommel of The Phantom

"Vires" (wisdom)

"Sapientia" (Strength)

"Justicia" (justice)

(left to right) The Ibelin, The Phantom, The stunt sword of Ibelin

The pommel of The Ibelin

Stunt and real Ibelin

The Ibelin and Stunt again

Godfrey of Ibelin and the Ibelin (I know. I look fat)
The blade
The Pommel of the Ibelin

The hilt of the Ibelin

Godfrey again

The Stunt hilt

Cool picture

Lots of random shots

Monday, August 2, 2010

Scene Two

Off Tokyo Bay

Dameon: Captain Gabriel Mellino, one of the feared sea captains of America, was given a mission much unlike the other Naval commanders. Between Nova Scotia there was a ship, I will not state why because it would take much longer story than this, which was destroying our ships whenever it could.

The Mon-key is sailing away from two other ships.

Captain Gabriel looks back at the ships.

Gabriel: There getting closer!

Man 1: We’ll never beat them in spead!

Gabriel: No, but we’ll go down with colors flying! (Runs to rail) Come on ya dirty pigs! Get the cargo off board! Pick up speed! Pick up speed! Get all unnecessary cargo over the side! (He jumps onto the rail and sees them catching up and a ship behind them) The British ship comin’ close and there’s another behind them! Head for Scotland! It should be safe right now!

They sail there and all begin to load the cannons.

Gabriel: Fire on the leader! Scott! Do you think we can take both?

Scott: Maybe.

Gabriel: (Grabs the helm) Load the guns on larboard side too! Aright boys! Were at long range! Hull guns! Fire on the ships’ bow!

Before he can go he notices the second ship, The Montana Ricer, open fire on the British ship.

The men begin to cheer and start firing.

British captain: Fly from here! Fly!

David: Teach ‘im how to fly! (Laughs)

The men aim a swivel gun and he goes flying in the air.

Fight decided by director.

The ship begins to sink.

David goes aboard the Mon-Key.

Gabriel: What’s goingon! Eh!? You’re supposed to be on the Qar-Zin!

David: Well it seems that Dameon took this ship and gave it to me.

Gabriel: Well, Captain David eh?

David: Aye! That’s it!

Gabriel: Nice strategy.

David: Aye. Aye it was.

Gabriel: I was beginning to wonder if ya could actually plan when it counts.

They look at each other angrily.